Sunday, 29 March 2015

25 march 2015

Merit evidence : Can do, Libraian

On Wednesday it was my week off from librarian duty but I still went in to see if Miss Ward needed any help with anything. It turned out that she did so I helped her with taping the books so they don't rip and fall to bits. I showed leadership by being proactive going and helping out in the school.

26 march 2015

Merit evidence: must do, being a role model

On Tuesday I was showing leadership by helping some little kids because they didn't know where the pozie box was and they also didn't know what shoe to put on what foot. They seemed happy that I was there and the little kid then showed all his friends what to do.

Sunday, 22 March 2015

17 March 2015

Merit Evidence: Can Do, Peer Mediation

On Tuesday when it was my turn to do my peer mediation duty the two boys that were also on never turned up.  I used my initiative to find someone else to help me on my duty.  I was successful in finding a year 7 girl to help me.  We had no one come up to us on duty but that is a good thing as it means that there has been no problems during lunch time.

18 March 2015

Merit Evidence: Can Do, Librarian

On Wednesday I had my librarian duty and this week I did a job that I hadn't done before.  So I had to learn how to do it and I listen carefully to Miss Ward.  The job was to put tape on the different parts of the book to ensure the pages didn't fall out were protected.  Miss Ward said I did a good job and was pleased with my work.  It was fun to do a new job and it shows me how much work is involved with being a librarian.

Sunday, 15 March 2015

9 March 2015

Merit Evidence: House Point Coordinator

On  Monday we had full school assembly and Molly and I had to get everything ready for the assembly, we had to get all the bags ready with pozi's for the Teachers, Principal and Deputy Principals.  It was very busy and a felt like a mad rush but we worked together and go the job done. In the assembly I got a surprise as they called my name out to come up and collect my badge for being House Points Coordinator and Mrs Trotter shook my hand.  I felt proud and important.

10 march 2015

Merit Evidence: Zone Swimming

On Tuesday I went to the South West Swimming Zones representing Oakland's School in the backstroke.  It was exciting to be there but I was quite nervous waiting for my race.  But once my race started I forgot about my nerves and swam as quick as I could.  I finished 5th in my race and I was pleased with my effort.  It was lots of fun but also I found it challenging.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

my writing

W.A.L.T: have good structure

this is one part of my story:

Lucky me, NOT! Today is the day of the surgery and i'm freaking out. I know I have done it before but being back on the same bed as before is the most weird and freaking felling ever.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

my 2015 goals

my 2015 goals:

  • get better at spelling

  • get neater

Sunday, 8 March 2015

8 March 2015

Merit Evidence: Can Do, Librarian

On Wednesday I had my first librarian day, it was just Olivia and I as the two other boys were on camp.  I read several books to some little kids which was fun and they seemed to enjoy it.  Olivia and I worked together on issuing books, Olivia scanned the books and I stamped them this was efficient and evidence of good team work.  I love working in the library it is lots of fun.

March 8 2015

Merit Evidence: Can Do, Peer Mediation

On Tuesday I had peer mediation, I remembered to show up for my duty but the two others that were on with me didn't show so I showed initiative by going and finding them to join me on duty.  I found one of the boys but he didn't want to do peer mediation and I couldn't find the other boy.  I managed to find another person to fill in and help me on my duty.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

1 march 2015

Merit Evidence: Lately I have been doing the Pozis.

I have been very busy lately doing all the Pozis, this is because the swimming sports was on this week and the assembly is on Monday.  Molly and I have had to get lots of things organised for these events. but we have been very dedicated to the job and have everything ready.